Picking a fertilizer can be difficult. To begin, you'll want to select from the application you plan to use it with. After you have selected a product, you may want to visit the individual Fertilizer Charts to ensure you are getting exactly what you need!

If you have any questions, please reach out to our help desk! We are happy to help!

Ideal Use:




Landscape Repair and development

- Ferti-Maxx Sugar

Ferti Maxx Cool Weather Blend

Ferti-Maxx Transplant & Starter Blend

Ferti-Maxx Landscape Growth Blend

Organic Earthworm Casting Tea

Earthworm Castings

Plant health, growth promotion and development

Ferti-Maxx Balanced All Purpose Blend

Root Maxx 

All Purpose Formula

Flowering Plant

Individual additives, specific plant needs

Ferti-Maxx Phosphorous Free Blend

Ferti-Maxx 5% Iron Supplement (non-staining)

Ferti-Maxx Color Enhancement Supplement



Geranium and Patio Plants

Acid Loving Plant Formula

House Plants


Soil and System Treatments

Hydro- Cleanse

Maxx Flush 

Hydro- Maxx

Critter- Maxx



Organic Earthworm Casting Tea

Earthworm Castings

Here is a link to our: 

- EZ-Flo Fertilizer Chart

- AlgoPlus Fertilizer Chart

VermisTerra Fertilizer Chart